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Pugumaru (2024.05.27)

I'm Sakurazaka46's Onuma Akiho

from Shizuoka 🐟🌻

Today's blog will be a very long one

but I'd be happy if you could read it to the end!

On this week's episode of SokoSaku

Every word of objection I received

on owning a dog

Hit me too hard

that I can't stop myself from crying

"To think that I'd cry in a variety show, I can't lose here; If I cry then it'll cause trouble for the recording!"

"I have to brighten up the atmosphere somehow!"

"I have to make everyone laugh", so I thought

I'm glad that I worked so hard

and made everyone laugh

The make-up artist also fixed my make-up

while tearing out from laughter 😂

The members also told me, "It was so funny I teared up~"

It made me really glad

I've been hiding it from a lot of people

until now,

but ever since 2~3 months ago

I started keeping Pugumaru 🐶

Pugumaru's beloved alpaca chair 🦙

He's a male pomeranian

that was born on 28th November

He's a ball of energy, super physical ability, smart

Very friendly and a glutton

He has an angelic smile and the corner of his mouth us always up,

he has eye bags too

But he's the most adorable brat in the world!

This picture is my favorite ♡

The moment I saw his picture for the first time

I thought,

"That's a Pugumaru!"🐶

When I meet him online

and when I meet him directly

He's full of energy

and keeps barking all the time

I was worried whether I could discipline him

but I can't think of anything else but him

so I decided to keep him!

Pugumaru on his first day at my place 👶

So young~ So tiny~

He's growing up fast~~~

The first time I told everyone that I wanted a pet camera during Sakura Meets home electronics planning,

that I was seriously thinking of getting a dog,

everyone was opposed to the idea, 

both at the time and afterwards,

I became afraid to talk about it,

even after I started keeping it...

I really can't bring myself to say it

so this blog is my first confession

to both members

and all of the Buddies 🙇‍♀️

This is my first time

keeping something a secret,

which has been very difficult

and hurt my heart.

But I can't keep running away

and I decided to live openly and honestly 🦸‍♀️

I have lied a lot to the members

and to everyone who came to my meet & greet

I'm truly sorry 😭

When I told everyone that

I was thinking of keeping one,

I was already determined to raise one

I never wavered,

and no matter how much opposition I received,

I couldn't think of giving up on owning a dog!

My little sister and I have always dreamed of keeping a dog

since we were little

It was like a daily routine for us

to ask our father and mother again and again

But, we came from a family where we were only allowed to keep fish (Just what kind of family is that~ lol)

Now that I have grown up and live on my own

I was told that I can keep one

Ever since I started living on my own,

I kept thinking again and again

on when I should start keeping one

"It's impossible right now", and so I gave up

But I finally made up my mind

I got approval from my family

I decided to keep one with the determination 

to raise them absolutely well

My little sister, who knows me well,

have always been very supportive

and tell me that I would definitely be able to keep one

I have always dreamed

of owning a dog

and I have long decided

that I would name it "Pugumaru",

Out all the fishes, I have always found fugu (pufferfish) to be cute and the one I like the most

And since "Pu" sounds cuter than "Fu", I ended up with Pugu

And then the make-up artist said, "Won't it be cute if you add -maru?"

"You're right!!!!!!"

and so I ended with "Pugumaru"!

I think there is more than just a little gap

between my personality and the way people see me

On this occasion,

I received a shock

to know what people thought of me

It made me want to do best to let people know sides of me that can raise a dog well better

Ever since I started living with Pugumaru,

I feel that I have become much happier and brightened up more!

It makes me look forward to going home,

and I always dash home from the station

with excitement 💨

During my breaks from work,

I feel soothed by watching Pugumaru sleeping comfortably on the pet camera

Pugumaru often sleeps with his chin resting on a dinosaur plushie 🦖

I love Pugumaru's sleeping face~

When we fell asleep on the cage together, his legs is on top of my hand!

It seemed that big sister happily took this picture ✨

Pugumaru who is sleeping on my lap~ He's smiling ♡

He healed my heart a lot of times

during the tour and BACKS LIVE

Whenever I went on away or on days when I had to work from morning till midnight,

my mother would always come

and she would go like, "My first grandchild~~~"

She's so in love with Pugumaru

that she would come here even on normal days 👩‍🦰

The other morning, I went to trim Pugumaru with my mother!!

Pugumaru getting trimmed for the first time ✂️ He looks so nervous and it's cute

I am very, very grateful to my mother

who loves Pugumaru as if he is her own grandson!

When I go home, my big and little sister would adore him as well,

My dad didn't like dogs

but when he saw Pugumaru, he was always smiling ☺︎

He still refuse to hug him,

but he's now able to touch him with his index finger lol

Of course it's not all fun and joy

it can be difficult too

Although he was difficult to discipline

As for toilet training, though sometimes he pee from excitement,

we have 90% success rate

His barking has subsided dramatically

Mama is happy!

Sometimes he stepped

on his poop in the toilet

and would be covered in poop

but that too, is cute.

According to my mother,

when I was a baby I also used to become covered in poop

the moment she took her eyes off me

so I can't say anything on Pugumaru 😂

There was a time when Pugumaru slept not in his place

but in my bedroom for the first time,

I wake up in the morning

with my walls completely torn off...

That really shocked me~~~ I couldn't believe my eyes lol

I love the naught face Pugumaru makes sometimes!

When I sprayed my wall with a bitter spray for dogs

he stopped doing it 👍

There was a time when I became so worried of Pugumaru's condition in the middle of the night

and called the night hospital and took him there

because I was so worried

and when the veterinarian is examining him

he gives them the paw the whole time

and I laughed together with the veterinarian~

I'm glad that it was nothing 🥹

Come to think of it, when he first came here,

I was worried about his tear stains,

but after I changed his food

and use the tear drops I got from the hospital, it went away ✨

He is also quick to learn tricks

He can sit, lay low, give paw, give the other paw, turn over, give chin rest, and beck (stand)

I'm teaching him to spin around right now ✨

He is really a glutton

He's the biggest eater I ever met

"Meal" "Snack"

when I say those words, the color of his face changes and he would start running around!

The face he shows makes me laugh, I love it ♡

It's a given, but,

no matter how busy I become

I would definitely play with Pugumaru a lot before bed,

and I go to walk with him in the morning or at night!

I like to go out on a stroll too,

Until now, I have never greeted a stranger while walking in Tokyo

But when I'm together with Pugumaru

many people talked to me

every day

The would stoke him and tell him how cute he is,

if they also have a dog with them

then we would talk about all sort of things

Because Pugumaru is not shy at all

thanks to Pugumaru I could also bring myself to talk

He would always wag his tail

no matter who or what dog it was

Every time I see how much fun he seemed to be having

it makes Mama happy too ☺️

I read on internet that, if you hold your pet in your arms

and show him the world before it starts taking walk,

he will become more social

so I showed him all sort of things!

I was happy that we could see the cherry blossom together~

Seeing cherry blossom at night with my mother~! It was so embarrassing to wear clothes with stripes... lol

I showed him a lot of different world before he starts taking a walk

so he doesn't bark outside

He's such a good boy!

His charm is off the roof

and he is loved by everyone!

The dog park we went to the other day was fun too~

Pugumaru has an amazing physical ability

I'd like to give him special training and participate in contest and such~ ✨

"Will you be able to talk with it properly?"

"Will you be able to take him out for a walk every day?"

"I feel sorry for the dog"

"It's better for you not to keep one"

I received many opinions like that

I swear that I will take care of him with my life!

Thank you very much for

worrying so much after me!

While I choose Pugumaru

Pugumaru didn't choose me

That is why I will do my best to become a mom who will make Pugumaru feel that he is the luckiest dog in the world

I am often told that I can't raise a dog because I let my benjamin fig and palm tree die,

as those of you who have grown plants may relate with me, even if you take good care of a plant, it will still wither when it dies.

I'd be happy if you could

very much please watch over me warmly!

I very much welcome your advice☺️

May the world be a kinder place.

Thank you very much for reading until the end!

And here at the end, Pugumaru standing like a human beind

Akipo 🐟

You've been caught in a 126cm deep swamp


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