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Rainbow colored 121 (Ishimori Nijika 17th November blog)

今日、愛佳の卒業が発表されました。// Today, Manaka’s graduation was announced.

卒業おめでとう! // I want to cheerfully say
って明るく言いたいけど…言えない。// “Congratulations on your graduation!”... But i can’t
悲しいから。// Because i am sad.

本人のブログも読んで、愛佳らしくて色んな意味で涙が出ました。// I started tearing up reading her blog, thinking that in many ways, it was very Manaka-like

前にもヨネの卒業発表の時にブログで書いたのですが // I wrote this before too, in a blog when Yone announced her graduation

欅坂を離れてもみんな幸せでいてほしい。// I want everyone to be happy even if they are not in Keyakizaka.
離れた場所でも幸せって思える時間を過ごしてほしい。// I want them to be happy, even if they are somewhere far away.

いつでも助けてあげたい。// And, if they are in troubled, lonely, or facing difficulties, I want them to contact me right away. I’ll always be there to help.

卒業してもそういう関係でありたい。// I want our relationship to still be like that even after graduation.

ん〜… // Hn~...

なんだろ… // What to say….

欅のみんなが本当に大好きです。 // I really love everyone in Keyaki.
…というか大切です。// … That is, they are my treasure.

だから離れることはすごく心配 // That’s why I am really worried when they are away

特に欅のみんなは優しすぎるから心配しても笑顔で大丈夫しか言わない…だからもっと心配になる。// Especially because everyone in Keyaki are so kind. Even when they are worried, they are always smiling and only says they’re okay… And that is why I become even more worried.

愛佳はこのブログを読んでくれてるかな…? // I wonder if Manaka will read this blog…?

楽しい!!ってたくさん笑って過ごしてね。// I hope you will live laughing a lot and say “This is fun!”

困ったらすぐに助けます^^ // If you are in trouble, i’ll help you right away.

「卒業」っていつかは自分もするもので… // “Graduation” is something that i will do someday...
今一緒にいるメンバーもいつかは卒業するわけで… // And the members i am with now will  one day graduate too...

なんだか考えると悲しいですね、、 // Thinking about that, somewhat sad, right...

でも、卒業する時はみんな笑顔で欅坂で良かった!^^ // But i hope that the group can be a place where when everyone graduates
って思えるそんな場所でありたいなって思います。// they can say with a smile on their face“I’m glad i was in Keyakizaka!”

今泉、ヨネ、愛佳、// Imaizumi, Yone, Manaka,

大切な3人がこれからも幸せでありますように… // May the three whom i treasure can continue to be happy from now on...

私の中では離れてもメンバーなので // For me, even if you are away, i still think of you as a member,
これからも大切にしていけたらな…って🌳 // I will continue to treasure you...

石森虹花 // Ishimori Nijika


Translated by toomuchidea x ariadne32391


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