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karin in toyama channel pt 1

 toyama: we have welcome drinks available. we got everything available

karin: no way

to: huh? wdym. we have everything, just make the request

karin: chai tea

to: then please take it from [the chiller box]

karin: no way you have it

to: just take a look

karin: no way you have it

to: why are you deciding on it so fast

karin: there's def none

to: take a careful look inside

karin: no way.... no way you have it...  it isn't here... you don't have it at all

to: gawd you kept it coming huh

to: it's not there?

karin: no

to: ok pick something else then

karin: caffé latte then. you want something?

to: ah, you're so kind, miss

karin: it's not a big deal

karin: (failing to stab the straw in)

to: wait wait you gonna spill it all over!! just how long have you lived for!!

karin: i'm a bit scareedd!! it feels like it gonna go POP!! so imma just... (opens window)

to: i never seen anything like this before

karin: (stabs) i did it~

to: you lived for two decades already, right? you surely have drink something like this before, yes? and you have always stab your straw like that?

karin: yes

to: no one ever told you anything?

karin: nope

to: the members never said how weird it is?

ka: never ( ' v ' )

to: what the heck is up with that group!

karin: everyone does it like this-- ah, thank you for the drink~

to: i'll drive you to wherever you want to go to. just think of me as your driver

karin: then i'd like to go to kyushu

to; we are in tokyo!!

karin: the sea then!

to: even tho the weather is awful?

karin: right it's really awful today

however, karin doesn't mind to just look at it from afar

toyama pointed out to karin how she actively asked to be invited, and karin said that even though she looks shy, she's actually not. she actually quite like chatting with people

ka: so yeah i actually quite like these kind of show

to; people sees you as cool and such. but i don't think a cool person will try to stab their straw like *this* (gestures)

ka: ahahah... i also like to eat with someone else. i guess i really do like to speak, after all

ka: i really like to speak with someone who comes from a different position than me, since i'll be able to learn a lot, and it's fun

to: didn't you star in a lot of different drama

karin: tsukutabe

to: that was a really nice drama, isn't it? how was the filming site like?

ka: i was surrounded by many people older than me, and it was the first time i got doted that much in my life. and it was... and we've thought of going on out for a meal together, the four of us (cast members)

to: it's nice that you eat together in private as well

karin: but it didn't come true... i got sick. it was a really rare happening. i wanted to join

to: you didn't join in online video call?

karin: i'd just be in the way...

toyama asked karin what was the first song that made her thought, "whoa, this is so nice". karin said it was radwimps's album, the one with dog on the cover (their 3rd album).and her dad has always been a huge fan of mr children and would listen to it all the time in the car, her fav song is shinkai

toyama likes radiohead and he thought the beat from joukenhansha sounded similar to one of their songs, "creep". he asked nazca directly and they said that they are a huge fan of radiohead too, and have been influenced by them ever since keyakizaka time, including in terms of atmosphere. he's touched by the fact that sakurazaka has that influence that and recommended karin to listen to it

to: speaking of which, you have a movie coming out in august, right? isn't that amazing that you got to be the lead?

ka: i'm thankful

to: how was it? you had fun?

ka: it felt so fresh, but everyday was difficult

to: where did you get the movie [offer] from? like did they see you from a drama? or your sakurazaka activities?

ka: not at all, i got approached before i starred in anything

to: huh!? so before you play in dramas and such!?

ka: yes, that's when they start approaching

to: ehhh! i guess they felt something from you then

ka: i don't understand it either

to: you ever thought that you will be living this kind of life before?

karin: no. before i entered, when i was still in high school, i never really went there

to: attending school?

karin: yeah

to: you're not enjoying it?

ka: i have never liked school

to: when i was still student, i didn't feel it that much. but i did school of luck, a radio for high schoolers in their teens, and they were a lot of kids who said something similar, so i kinda feel like i get what they are feeling. though people might say that it's just my shallow understanding

ka: not at all

to: then what did you enjoy in your teens?

ka: it's not like that i didn't have any friends

to: they were in a different class?

ka: i got friends in different class and different school

to: and you went out to play after school?

ka: yeah. it was fun whenever i met with them

to: that time, have you ever thought of what do you want to be in the future?

ka: no. like, i felt that i can continue to live even if i didn't do anything. like... a person would want to do some activity, right? like those who just can't help but to work on something. before i entered [the group] i didn't do anything, i didn't go outside either. i didn't really have any sense of crisis. [it was like that] even during summer vacation

to: you didn't do any part time job and such?

ka: no. i just stayed inside, and wakes up when it's night. chat with my friends a bit, and then went back home. so that's why my parents were happy

to: they were?

ka: how i entered this group. they were like, "go! go! go for it!"

to: then they were worried about you

ka: yeah

to: they wanted you to do something

ka: right. i didn't have anything i want to do, so that's very worrying, no? so they were really happy

to: when you audition, it's not like you understand what idols are like, no?

ka: yeah

to: that's amazing. it's amazing that you auditioned for it

ka: right? fr

to: how old were you?

ka: around 16 or 15 yo. i think i was in my 2nd year of high school

to: it's really amazing. it's a coincidence

ka: it really was

to; did someone guide you to it?

ka: the ad pops out when i was fiddling with my phone

to: sakamichi...

ka: "joint audition!"

to: normally people auditioned because they admire someone [in the group], or because they like nogizaka, or because they want to be a part of keyakizaka after seeing them. one usually enters because they have someone they want to be, right?

karin: yeah

to: i wonder what were you trying to achieve as you do your activities in your teen?

ka: when i first entered the group, i like [to do] concerts, back during keyaki time. it felt like i was okay with just being able to sing and dance together [with the other members] here. i felt happy being in that atmosphere. being able to be involved made me happy already

to: you were still in your teen that time, right?

karin: yeah

to: have you ever felt something that makes you happy that much before?

karin: no, that was the first. i enjoyed concerts

to: people in their teens might be watching this video. does the current karin-chan has something that she'd like to pass over or convey?

ka: that's difficult...

to: it is, right?

ka: but like... it's not something that you can just find, no matter how hard you try for it. things like dreams and such. and i really hate being told by others, yknow? back then

to: like, "you should do this"?

ka: more like, "what do you want to do?". it was pain to be asked like that. like, we had a parent-teacher meeting, and i got asked a lot if there's university or vocational school that i'd like to go to... but there's none

to: and it's difficult to say "none", right?

karin: un. and when i say "none", they will probably tell me to look for one

to: right. i want them to see [you]. like, if there's someone in their teens who are having the same thinking

ka: i'd love to see them come to the concert. life if something you can't never catch a break in, isn't it? to live. i want us to do our best together. with the fans. if they are students then they'd be going to school, and go to work if they are adults. and i'm sure no matter where they are, they all got told something bad by someone they don't like, right? i think that it is something that is experienced by everyone, so i'd like us to do our best together. i'm live to the fullest during concerts, so i want them to live to the fullest to. i'd like us to do our best together. [that's what i've been thinking of] recently

to: right. in soccer...

ka: there it is

to; eh

ka: i told you i don't understand soccer

to: you shot it down so fast


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