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karin in toyama channel pt 2

  to: so you centered coupling songs before, but start over was your first time as title song center, right? karin: to: hello? you are fujiyoshi karin right karin: i guess so to: wdym?? they are days when you are NOT?? karin: today i'm half different to: who's the other half then? karin: karin. the normal...  to: she's like the unfunniest person i ever met karin; ... i've been weird recently, you see to: i really think that members, takahiro, and the management put so much power into each and every song. and the center, who is at the middle of all that... just what the heck is a "center"? karin: it's difficult to say. after all, a song changes depending on the center to: right, there is ten-chan-likeness and also tamura hono-chan-likeness as well. morita hikaru-chan's as well  karin: but it's a wonderful place to: what a wonderful words. i think i never heard that before: a wonderful place? karin: center is a wonderful place, you see. it's free

yamashita shizuki sakamichi tuesday 25th june 2024 櫻坂46の三期生、山下瞳月(しづき=19)が、明日26日発売のシングル「自業自得」で初センターを務める。高いパフォーマンス力で注目を集める期待の星。猫っぽい? 「ツンデレ」な素顔や、アイドル活動にかける熱い決意を明かした。【玉利朱音】 [Image: 新曲「自業自得」でセンターを務める櫻坂46山下瞳月(撮影・河田真司)] 新曲「自業自得」でセンターを務める櫻坂46山下瞳月(撮影・河田真司) ■ダンススキル Dance Skill 山下は、選抜制が導入された7枚目シングルから3作連続で選抜入り。選抜発表時は、センターを務めるメンバーの名前が最後に読み上げられるのが恒例だ。 自分の名前がなかなか呼ばれず「2作一緒に頑張ってきた三期生のメンバーがもう呼ばれていて、今作は自分は同じ場所で頑張れないのかなって気持ちもありました」と回想。「最後に名前が呼ばれたときは、『どうしよう』というよりもうれしかったです」と率直に話した。 It's a customary for the center's name to be called last. "When the 3rd members I worked hard together with in the past two singles are getting called, I thought that I won't be able to work with them again in the same place this single", so she recalled how she felt when her name isn't getting called. "When my name was called at the end, I felt more happy rather than feeling worried" 同

Sakurazaka46 4th TOUR Tokyo Dome ENCORE Podcast Translation QCed by meg --- Ten: for the first time, a lot of overseas buddies are participating this time Rena; right, they have their own seats Ten: right, they came [to watch] Rena: it makes me so happy Ten: yeah! Rena: like, near the end we came near them on the trolley, and you could see their faces clearly! it makes me so happy Shii: yeah Ten: and like, the overseas fans have their own unique way of hyping things up, it’s completely different. Like, they way they raise their hand? They are like… (demonstrating to rena and shizuki) like this! They were so cute! It made me so happy. It made me so happy to think that that they all must have come from many different countries, and to think that they have came all the way just for us…! Rena: yeah! It made me so happy! Ten: thinking that they came earlier with a plane… it makes me so happy… we are filled with much motivation that it’s our turn to come to where they

karin in toyama channel pt 1

 toyama: we have welcome drinks available. we got everything available karin: no way to: huh? wdym. we have everything, just make the request karin: chai tea to: then please take it from [the chiller box] karin: no way you have it to: just take a look karin: no way you have it to: why are you deciding on it so fast karin: there's def none to: take a careful look inside karin: no way.... no way you have it...  it isn't here... you don't have it at all to: gawd you kept it coming huh to: it's not there? karin: no to: ok pick something else then karin: caffé latte then. you want something? to: ah, you're so kind, miss karin: it's not a big deal karin: (failing to stab the straw in) to: wait wait you gonna spill it all over!! just how long have you lived for!! karin: i'm a bit scareedd!! it feels like it gonna go POP!! so imma just... (opens window) to: i never seen anything like this before karin: (stabs) i did it~ to: you lived for two decades already, right?

#272 My heart is pounding ✨ (2024.06.03)

When I walked around the town the other day, I heard the sounds of a taiko drumming, and went toward it because I thought "Maybe it's a festival~?♪", but it turned out to be just a construction work   I'm Matsuri-chan aka Matsuda Rina      Sakurazaka46's 2nd generation from Miyazaki. Thank you very much for opening my blog. The sound was very similar to the drumming of taiko, y'know But I felt happy to have been able to experience festival-mood even for just a moment ‪𓂃 𓈒𓏸◌‬ A very, very happy thing has occurred!! Thanks to all of you, all seats; including the backstage seats at the Tokyo Dome concert, were sold out!! Truly, thank you very much to everyone who have applied for it! It makes me very, very happy to know that so many people wanted to see Sakurazaka46's concert!! Unfortunately, I think that there must be some of you who didn't win any tickets however I will be performing with the hope that I could reach those of you who are unable to wat