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Sakurazaka46 4th TOUR Tokyo Dome ENCORE Podcast Translation

QCed by meg


Ten: for the first time, a lot of overseas buddies are participating this time

Rena; right, they have their own seats

Ten: right, they came [to watch]

Rena: it makes me so happy

Ten: yeah!

Rena: like, near the end we came near them on the trolley, and you could see their faces clearly! it makes me so happy

Shii: yeah

Ten: and like, the overseas fans have their own unique way of hyping things up, it’s completely different. Like, they way they raise their hand? They are like… (demonstrating to rena and shizuki) like this! They were so cute! It made me so happy. It made me so happy to think that that they all must have come from many different countries, and to think that they have came all the way just for us…!

Rena: yeah! It made me so happy!

Ten: thinking that they came earlier with a plane… it makes me so happy… we are filled with much motivation that it’s our turn to come to where they are next!

Rena: that’s right!

Ten: what do you guys think about [going] overseas? Last year we were able to go several times. Do you have any goals in mind?

Rena; while i’d love to appear in events again like last time, i’d love us to have our own sakurazaka solo [overseas] concert. I want to work hard so that we could make it happen

Ten: that’s right! That’s the biggest thing

Shii: I’d love to do that

Ten; yeah, i’d love to do that too

Rena: any country you’d like to go to?

Ten: eh! I wonder where… there’s so many countries we haven’t been to yet, last one was my first time going overseas

Rena: paris?

Ten: yeah, that was my first time. So like, i pretty much only go overseas for sakurazaka activities, i’d love to go somewhere but… i guess i want to go to somewhere with delicious food

Shii: i also went overseas for the first time last year, for philippines, and i’d love to eat [delicious] food as well heheh. I’d love to go to paris as well, america too

Ten - rena; ohhh! America!

Ten: there’s a lot of [fans] from taiwan and shanghai

Rena: right!

Ten; it makes me so happy. I hope we can go there one day. Let’s make our dream of doing a solo [overseas] concert come true

Rena: let’s do our best

Ten: if we release a song that has full english [lyrics], i wonder if it could reach more people?

Rena: right, it might be so. Though singing it might be difficult lol

Ten - shii; right lol

Rena: but well our songs have english here and there…

Ten: right, let’s do our best [to make people listen to our song more] while conveying the charm of japan. Thank you very much to everyone who came!

Rena - shii: thank you very much!

Ten: it makes us so happy

Ten: and we got new costumes. They are so nice! Which one do you like? I love the first one~

Rena: the first one for me too~

Ten: the first one is so nice, isn’t it? That red prince-like one, with a noble vibe

Rena: Everyone loves that one, right?

Ten: yeah! They brought it in for the rehearsal for fitting and such, and the moment we laid eyes on it, we were all like “holy crap!”, “amazing!”

Rena: yeah!! Everyone was so hyped about it

Ten: “i wanna wear it so bad!!, “i wanna wear it so bad!!”, “which one you wanna wear!?”. Everyone was so hyped about it… it was so cute… and it was based on preferences, right? Like whether you want a skirt or not

Rena: that’s right. You asked for pants, ten-chan?

Ten: yeah, i asked for pants

Rena: shizuki-chan? You asked for skirts

Shii: yeah

Ten: i thought you’d prefer pants more. But you look great on it! You were so cute. The boots was so nice too

Rena: i was originally supposed to be wearing a long skirt like shizuki-chan, but then i was told that we will be dancing masatsukeisuu with it, so i settled for a short one

Ten: because you could dance more easily with it?

Rena: i think me and minami-san were the only one with short one

Ten: i see! That was so nice

Rena: it was so cute

Ten: but like, you look so great with sakurazuki’s outfit. You looked like a doll!

Shii: are we sure that’s not something rena-san thought of herself?

Ten: lol right, as if it was modeled with her [in mind]

Shii: it suit her so much

rena : not at all!!

Ten: hikaru looked great with it too

Rena; right!

Ten: everyone looked like a doll with it. So cute!

Shii: and it had sparkly things on it, right? It was so nice

Ten: right! Apparently they worked on it until the very last minutes

Rena: yeah, they did

Shizuki: I think the designer saw the rehearsal and thought to put them on the costumes after that

Ten: we’re very grateful. It was so cute. The MA-1 style costume also received a good response. It was so unique, wasn't it?

Rena: it’s something we never had before

Ten; right! It feels so nice and cool to wear, and apparently it was made while discussing with takahiro-sensei, like what should be done to make the costume easy to dance with, and as a result they choose a cool material to work with. Our body feels hot when performing, but it felt hot– no, I mean it felt cool and refreshing to wear it!

Rena: it was so easy to dance with

Shii: when i saw ten-san wearing it for fitting, i whispered to yuzu, “don’t you think ten-san looked great on it?”

Ten: really! I’m glad to hear it~ why did you whisper it tho lol

Shii: and yuzu said, “don’t you think i look so good wearing it, it looks as if it’s a part of my daily wardrobe?”, but yeah, ten-san looks so great on it!

Ten: thank you~ but like this concert, there are particular production for each song

Rena: right

Ten: what do you think? Is there any production that you like? 

Rena: they are all great, but i really like the opening

Ten: hyahhh thank you~ actually, the choreo for opening has parts from all of our singles, from 1st to 8th. Nobafo, BAN, nagaredama, samidare yo, sakurazuki– ah, masatsu, sakurazuki, start over, shonin, ikutsu; it has it all. It’s all connected so please watch it~ there are some modifications, but it was a choreo that contained all of our history so far

Shii: and the amazing thing is that you only learned the choreo shortly before the performance

Ten: that’s right

Shii: how did you able to dance it!? Ten-san!?

Ten: i was like, “no way!”

Shii; 3ki were all like, “wait have ten-san even got the choreo already”, “could she dance it then?”. And then we saw you dancing it in rehearsal and we were like, “wth when did she learn it!?”

Ten: so kind!

Shii: you were so amazing!

Ten: um there’s something that i actually don’t want to talk about, because it’s kinda embarrassing, but i’ll feel restless if i don’t talk about it, but there was a coin placed right in the middle of the moving stage. Then i had to to walk toward it without looking and lift it up, but then i made a mistake in which i stopped short of it

Rena: so you stopped where the coin is not?

Ten: yeah, i was like, “oh crappp”, but then i still took it. I wonder if people noticed?

Shii: you did so well, i don’t think people noticed

Ten: but yeah… “yikes the coin is still a bit far away!”. I was a bit panicked, but i was able to get it! So anw, is there any production that you like?

Shii: for the first time starting this tour, we had anthem time [remixed] with drone. 3ki were able to join drone’s chorus, and it made me so happy. I really love that song! It’s so hype, and it made me so happy!

Ten: the same goes for us! I love anthem so much, i was like, “are you sure we can perform it!?”

Rena: yeah!! I sang it [all]

Ten: yeah, we ended up singing everything! It was so fun! It was awesome. Then we got to ride the trolley, and we could come close to where the fans are

Rena: yeah, we finally could do it right then

Ten: right, they were a lot of intense songs so p much only able to wave at them during mc. I was glad we got a time to look at them properly, they seemed happy about it. As for me, i like COOL -> Dead end… it was so nice

Shii: it was so cool

Ten: zono’s COOL during tour has always been… she’s been amazing the whole time, i think her performance would look great on camera

Shii: she looks more mysterious after cutting her hair short, there’s this vibe that only ozono-san could show

Ten: it was so great

Rena - shii: dead end was crazy

Ten: she [run] was so handsome

Rena: she really was

Shii: i want that candy

Ten: where did it even go?

Rena: that’s what everyone thought

Ten: staff-san cleaned it. They ain’t giving it to anyone

Shii: she gets to choose what flavor, right? It was so cute!

Ten: yeah, she chose the soda flavor. It seemed that she practiced sucking the candy again before day 2

Rena: yeah, she practiced it

Ten: she was so darn cool. By all means please do feel free to suck candy again in future performances

Rena: i’d love to see it again

Ten: yeah, she was so cool

Ten: and it seemed that there’s a spotify booth in front of the venue. We got to see pictures of it. It was amazing!

Shii: it looks so cool

Ten: it’s like an exhibition! And apparently the wait is as long as 4 hours!! They lined up for that long!! Thank you very much!!

All: we feel happy about it

Ten: oh right, shii signed the big panel, right? What did you write here?

Shii: “thank you for visiting the spotify booth! Please listen to jigoujitoku lots!”

Ten: and people lined up 4 hours to see this

Shii: thank you very much!!

Ten: and there were the artist pictures of successive singles getting displayed, and fans could see which one they liked the most. They also handed out “this is sakurazaka46” stickers, they had random photos of our previous singles’ and album jacket pictures. I knew of this! After all, yamasaki, moriya, saito fuyuka, takemoto yui, matsuda rina, and inoue rina, we did an unboxing of the stickers. We had a dinner party after the last day, and it was so hyped… and here we have the [stickers] on our hands right now!

Rena: yay!

Ten; shii, have you opened yours?

Shii: i did

Ten: what did you get?

Shii: as you know’s

Ten; gasp that’s the most sought after one

Shii: really?

Ten: and there’s a trick to opening this. You need to listen carefully first, and you can hear what song is coming from the inside!

Rena: right, you need to focus and listen to it

Ten: let’s listen to what song is being played and take a guess… what did you hear, rena?

Rena: [hums jigoujitoku intro]... can you guess the song?

Ten: 9th single not included tho hshshs

Rena; hshshsh sorry?? I will listen to it again then!!! Sorry i’m too looking forward to it. That’s all i’ve been listening to lately

Ten: please listen to it more carefully! What about shii?

Shii: dun dun~ dun dun~ dun dun dun~ [start over]

Ten: ahhh!! That’s what everyone is hearing!

Shii: what about ten-san?

Ten: “nobody’s fault~”... I think that’s what its saying

Shii: so you are not 100% sure

Ten: yeah, but i’ll do with nobofa

Shii: then, what about rena-san…?

Ten: is this girl even listening? Could it be that she has fallen asleep?

Rena: hshss i hear it!! “Dare ka? Nano tame ni? Beats me!”

Ten: nagaredama!

Rena: that’s right

Ten: let’s open it then!

[opening the stickers]

Rena gets as you know, shii gets nagaredama, ten gets shoninyokkyu. Then they opens more

Ten: and so at the end of this podcast, we are asked the question, “what does a live show mean for sakurazaka46?”. Back in the encore after 3rd anniversary live, me, kobayashi yui-san, and matsuda rina answered: “our best weapon”. But right now, i’d like to discuss about it again with the others. What do you guys think?

Shii: i really do think that this is our best weapon, i think of it as our “life”. Like, we wouldn’t do without it, and like… it’s something that moves us, like… it’s truly our “life”

Ten: i get what you are trying to say. I really do think that we shine during concerts

Shii: that’s right

Ten; and we put our lives on the line as we sing and dance… so many people put their lives in it too, the staff from various different fields who helped us to create the show, and then all the buddies who came. This is what perfected our show. Our show is something that is created from everyone’s lives! But this todome is truly something that i hope could leave a mark in sakurazaka’s history, and i hope that it could connect to the future, such as jigoujitoku’s release. Let’s do our best to kick off a new start while cherishing our “lives”. I’d be happy if you could come and watch our “lives”! Thank you for listening until the end! Anyone have a message to the listeners?

Rena: um thank you very much for always supporting us! Is something like this okay!? We’d like to continue to do our best to exceed everyone’s expectations, so please continue to support us from now on!

Ten: please do!

Shii: thank you very much for always supporting us. Being grateful for entering sakurazaka day by day is something that i could [have] thanks to all of you buddies, something that could happen thanks to all my genmates and seniors, and i’d like to do my best for the 9th single as well, so please give us your support!

Ten: we will also do my best so that i could be of support

Rena; yeah!

Ten: and thank you to all of you buddies who listened until the end! I hope that you could enjoy the todome performance even more after listening to this encore podcast! Please look forward to our next concerts, and listen to this to cheer yourself up when you are having a hard time! I look forward to the day we can meet again! Please continue to give us your support! Please be sure to come and watch our “lives” again!


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