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karin in toyama channel pt 2


to: so you centered coupling songs before, but start over was your first time as title song center, right?


to: hello? you are fujiyoshi karin right

karin: i guess so

to: wdym?? they are days when you are NOT??

karin: today i'm half different

to: who's the other half then?

karin: karin. the normal... 

to: she's like the unfunniest person i ever met

karin; ... i've been weird recently, you see

to: i really think that members, takahiro, and the management put so much power into each and every song. and the center, who is at the middle of all that... just what the heck is a "center"?

karin: it's difficult to say. after all, a song changes depending on the center

to: right, there is ten-chan-likeness and also tamura hono-chan-likeness as well. morita hikaru-chan's as well 

karin: but it's a wonderful place

to: what a wonderful words. i think i never heard that before: a wonderful place?

karin: center is a wonderful place, you see. it's freeing, but at the same time it's not. the moment where you are free is just but a moment. and then it's the opposite

to: you lose freedom? 

karin: yeah

to: wdym by lose freedom? 

karin: right now i'm not free. it's the opposite

to: so you mean in start over, there is a time when you are free and a time when you are not?

karin: yeah, depending on the time

to: and that is something depending on your feelings?

ka: it feels like everything has to line up

to: is that something that you only think about when you are centering?

ka: that's right. like, start over is performed in every event right now. ofc i feel grateful about it, and i do have the feeling of wanting to perform it lots, but right now... i wish they could give me a break for a while. i feel that strongly 

to: you taking break?

ka: no, performing start over. i wish they could give me a break

to: i'm sure there will be people who wonder why. but as for me, i've been watching you since keyaki time, and my way of thinking have changed too. like, it's not like you make the song yourself, it's something made by nazca and then akimoto-sensei put in the lyrics 

to: but from one point, i started to think that this is a song that sakurazaka made. the sounds that is seeping out of the girls is probably this, that these are the words that are seeping out of you. so like... that's the assumption...

karin: it sure is~

to: so! it's not like you are just merely performing the song. the sakurazaka that i know faces the song, the performance, and us fans. and when it happens, ofc you want to show your best ability, you want to do it at 150%, and you want yourself to be at 150% too!

ka: that's right! i guess i'll do my best 

to; i guess you should!

when they are doing drive through, ofc they ordered samurai mac, and toyama started teasing "this is her!!! the girl from the cm!!!"

ko: this is so embarrassing ur like a dad 😭

toyama asked if she wants to eat it now, karin suggested eating it by the beach

to: but then it will be cold

ka: why are you so fixated on it being cold

to: hshs no no i just want you to eat it while it's still warm!

ka: then one fries

to: you can eat mine too

ka: i'm not that much of an eater

to: how many meal do you eat in a day? 

ka: generally once

to: eh!? when do you eat that?

ka: at night will be great. i like dinners

ka: i like to dine outside. i would also grill yakiniku by myself

to: so a place like "yakiniku like"?

ka: "yakiniku like"?

to: a place where you can eat yakiniku by yourself

ka: no, i can go to any place. i just normally grill it myself, set it aside and eat it. a place with office workers 

to: so like while there's a party of four being all merry you are just there by yourself?

karin: yeah, i was like, "wow they are so lively~"

karin calling toyama a funny weirdo 😭 that he's childish and she feels like watching a little boy 

to: i got the impression that you don't really speak loudly

ka: but i just did

to: ?

ka: when i ordered mcd

to: ... wad. that was only like 0.7 decibel 

ka: wdym by loudly anw. like, "ohhh!!!~"

to: when did you let out the loudest voice in your life?

ka: in my life?

to: maybe when you were surprised or happy about something

ka: hmm i wonder when. ig when i was born

to: hshs but you have no memories of it!! so crying? 

ka: yeah

to: "wah wah"

ka: i guess so yeah

karin thought she looks weird in her yt vlog so much so she was taken aback by it herself

karin said she's someone who speaks slowly, with a lot of pauses, by toyama and takahiro would listen to her

ka: you two are the two top

to: sorry i feel even more happier to know that i've been placed at the same place as THE takahiro-sensei

ka: takahiro-sensei really waits out for me. he always wait for me

tokyo dome

to: there's this "finally!" feeling, isn't it?

ka: finally, with our own power

to: the one i seen in 2022 was also sakurazaka's tokyo dome, but--

ka: sugai-san was the one who took us there

to: doing dome at the timing of the captain's, ex-captain's graduation

ka: i feel happy. and it seems that so many people are coming. i'm just truly, truly happy 

ka: thank you very much for today. next let's meet in the camp episode 

to: you wanna camp?

ka: yeah, i want to chop woods

to: then raise the tent? and grill meat?

karin: (nods)

to: then next time...?

ka: let's meet again in the camp episode

to: there she goes deciding it on her own, even thought there's no discussion about it yet


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karin in toyama channel pt 1

 toyama: we have welcome drinks available. we got everything available karin: no way to: huh? wdym. we have everything, just make the request karin: chai tea to: then please take it from [the chiller box] karin: no way you have it to: just take a look karin: no way you have it to: why are you deciding on it so fast karin: there's def none to: take a careful look inside karin: no way.... no way you have it...  it isn't here... you don't have it at all to: gawd you kept it coming huh to: it's not there? karin: no to: ok pick something else then karin: caffé latte then. you want something? to: ah, you're so kind, miss karin: it's not a big deal karin: (failing to stab the straw in) to: wait wait you gonna spill it all over!! just how long have you lived for!! karin: i'm a bit scareedd!! it feels like it gonna go POP!! so imma just... (opens window) to: i never seen anything like this before karin: (stabs) i did it~ to: you lived for two decades already, right?