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Thank you (Kato Shiho 25th September 2017)

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こんにちは! // Hello!

けやき坂46の加藤史帆です! // Hiragana Keyakizaka’s Kato Shiho here!

けやかけで選抜発表が放送されました。// Last night in Keyakake, the senbatsu election was broadcasted.

その中でながる(長濱ねる)の兼任の解除、漢字欅さんの選任が発表されました。// There, it was announced that Nagaru’s (Nagahama Neru) concurrent position was cancelled, and that she will permanently joins Kanji Keyakizaka.

そのことを初めて聞いた時、色々考えちゃって自分たちのいる意味がよく分からなくなってきて、心がギューーって辛くなりました。// When i first heard about that, i thought about various of things, and become confused to what our existence means, my heart is pained.

でもながるは本当に今まで兼任をすごく頑張ってて、忙しすぎてひらがなのリハとか全然出れなくても一生懸命本番もこなしてて、ながるは何も悪くないのにいつもごめんねって泣きながらみんなに謝っていて、// But Nagaru has really worked hard as a kennin, even thought she’s too busy that she can’t even attend Hiragana rehearsal, she did her best during the real show, and even thought Nagaru has done nothing wrong she always apologized to us while crying.

そんなながるを見てきてたから、ながるがいなくて寂しいとか悲しいとか甘えたことは言えません // Because i’ve seen Nagaru like that, i’m not going to say that without Nagaru i feel sad or lonely.

これから今いる11人と新メンバーでひらがなけやきを最高のハッピー集団になって、もう誰にもアンダーって言われないチームになりたいって心の底から思ってます // From now on, the 11 of us alongside with the new members who recently joined will become the best happy group, and from the bottom of my heart i want us to become a team that no one will call under again.

私は普段へにょへにょしてるししっかりしてないけど、ひらがな一期生のお姉さん組としてみんなを引っ張っていけるくらいの存在になれるように頑張ります! // Even thought i always looked soft, i will do my best as one of the elder sis of the first Hiragana generation to be able to become someone who can carry everyone!
私っぽくないこといってすみません! / / Sorry for saying something that’s so unlike me!

ながる、本当に本当にありがとう // Nagaru, honestly, truly, thank you!
今私たちがいれるのはながるのおかげだよー! // We are here because of Nagaru!
今度ご飯行こうねえええ!! // Let’s go dine in together next time!!!!

新メンバーを迎えて新しくなったひらがなけやきの応援、皆さんよろしくお願いします! // Everyone, please support the new Hiragana members who are joining us!

ばいばい☆ // Bye bye

加藤史帆 // Kato Shiho


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