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🐰。(Seki Yumiko 14h January 2021 blog)

 ãƒ–ログを開いãĻ下さりありがとうございぞす。æĢģ坂46ぎé–ĸ有įžŽå­ã§ã™đŸą // Thank you for opening this blog

į’ƒå­ãŽå’æĨ­į™ēčĄ¨ãŒã‚ã‚Šãžã—ãŸã­。// There was a graduation announcement for Riko

į§ã¯å’æĨ­ã™ã‚‹æ—ĨをčŋŽãˆã‚‹ãžã§ãƒ–ログãĢは書かãĒいつもりでした。// I didn't intend to write blog until the day she graduate

ぞだį’ƒå­ã¯æĢģ坂46ですし。// Since Riko is still (a part of) Sakurazaka46

でも、先æ—Ĩ、トãƒŧクでč‡Ēåˆ†ãŽæ°—æŒãĄã‚’æ›¸ã„ãĻからæƒŗいがæ­ĸぞらãĒくãĒãŖãĻ、äģŠã“ぎブログを書いãĻいぞす。// But after writing my feelings on mobame on the other day, I couldn't stop the feelings, and I am writing this blog right now

æŦ…ãĢå…ĨãŖãĻから喜怒哀æĨŊ、全ãĻぎ感情を一įˇ’ãĢ感じぞした。// Since we joined Keyaki, we have felt all the emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy together

あるæ—ĨぎčģŠãŽä¸­ã‚„、最初で最垌ãĢãĒãŖãĻしぞãŖた2äēēで撎åŊąã—ãĻ頂いたグナビã‚ĸ、1į•Ē最初ぎ頃ぞだį§ãŒįĻå˛ĄãĢいた時ãĢかかãŖãĻきたé›ģ芹。// That one time when we were in the car, the first and last gravure photoshoot that we did together, the phone I received in the early days when I was still in Fukuoka

ぞだぞだいãŖãąã„ã‚ã‚‹ã‘ãŠ、全部全部、大切ãĒ思いå‡ēです。// There are still many more, but they are all precious memories

#ゆãŋこかめら で撎ãŖた大切ãĒ一枚。// A precious picture taken with #Yumiko Camera

ã‚ĢãƒĄãƒŠæŒãŖãĻãĻč‰¯ã‹ãŖた! // I'm glad I took my camera with me!

写įœŸãŒåĨŊãã§č‰¯ã‹ãŖた! // I'm glad I like photography!

おかげでこんãĒį´ æ•ĩãĒ写įœŸãŒæŽ‹ã›ãŸã‚ˆ! // Because of that, we were able to take a such wonderful picture!

過åŽģぎč‡Ē分!ありがとう! // Past me! Thank you!

ãŖãĻã„ã†æ°—æŒãĄ☺︎// such are my feelings

初めãĻぎã‚ĸãƒŧテã‚Ŗ゚ト写įœŸæ’ŽåŊąãŽæ™‚!// When we took our first profile picture!

初めãĻ2äēēで撎ãŖた写įœŸã¯ã‚ãĄã‚ƒããĄã‚ƒå…‰ã§éŖ›ã‚“でぞした(įŦ‘)// The first picture I took with the two of them is really crazy bright lol

[more pics, i will upload later]

éŸŗæĨŊ部!// The music club!

[even more pics]

äēŒæœŸį”Ÿã‹ã‚‰čĒ°ã‹ãŒ、卒æĨ­ã—ãĻしぞうäē‹ãŒäģŠã§ã‚‚äŋĄã˜ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒいくらい原感がãĒいんですけお、こぎ8äēēと一įˇ’ãĢæŦ…坂46ãĢ加å…ĨできãĻ嚸せでした。// Right now, I still can't believe that someone from 2nd generation is graduating, but I was happy to be able to join Keyakizaka46 with these eight

きãŖとčĒ°ã‹1äēēでもæŦ ã‘ãĻいãĻはだめだãŖたと思いぞす。// I'm sure things would be different if any one of us had not been here*

ぞだぞだ掋された時間をį§ã‚‚大切ãĢ過ごしãĻいくぎでįš†ã•ã‚“も大切ãĢしãĻくださいね。// I'm going to spend the remaining time carefully, so I hope that you can do the same as well

じゃあ、äģŠæ—Ĩはここぞでです!// Well, that's it for today!

最垌ぞでおčĒ­ãŋいただきありがとうございぞした!// Thank you for reading until the end!

é–ĸ有įžŽå­đŸą // Seki Yumiko


* took more liberty in translating this sentence due to lack of context


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Nobiraji 240129 (Akipo x Pon's last appearance)

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So, what's up with all the English tweets recently from SF and Sony? (...But I guess now we know?)

If you come here for an answer, then you'll find none, because honestly, I don't know for sure myself. But, I do have an idea. In the latter half of 2020, after so many years, Keyakizaka46 YouTube finally removed region restrictions on its latest uploads. One of which is the performance video from Darekane. Overseas fans quickly noticed and used the chance to write their thoughts and feelings, posting them in the comment section just like other fans would do. Then, when "Bessatsu Kadokawa Keyakizaka46 and Sakurazaka46 1013/1209", members shockingly made a mention of it in their interviews, like Ten . Perhaps encouraged by the comments the members made, overseas fans showed their support again in the comments section for "Nobody's fault" and other videos. Yamasaki Ten then made another mention of it again in an interview released in early January 2021 ! Since then, comments from overseas fans continued to pour in, and thankfully perhaps even increases wi

ExTaishu Shida Manaka x Oda Nana x Saito Fuyuka "Keyakizaka46 Happenings"

Imaizumi Yui: Likes to collect seals that gets you a plate Manaka: She really likes collecting seals that gets you a plate something like this Oda: That certainly happens (laughs) Manaka: Ozeki also collecting it, she always take the seal from things members bought (laughs). I always give mine to Imaizumu Oda: It’s good that members are divided between those who gives to Imaizumi and to Ozeki. I also gives mine to Imaizumi. The reaction she gives to Shida when she get her seal is cute. Imaizumi would say “Thank you!!” looking very happy Watanabe Risa: Frolic when everyone are together Fuyuka: There is a huge different between Risa on TV and the usual Risa Manaka: She’s awfully frolic when we gathers Fuyuka: She doesn’t show it in Keyakake, right? To Miichan she feels spontaneous but she can also gives gentle response, there’s also time when she gives cold responses to everyone else. Manaka: Lately she’s strict to Oda Nana (laughs).  Ju